Operating System

Ensured the technical advancements of the courses based upon the industry’s emerging trends from the beginner to advanced in a specific manner

Operating System

3 Months
Below 10th
Exam Types
Syllabus :-

1. Overview of Operating Systems

  • What is an OS
  • Brief history.
2.  Background and Basics

  • Computer System review
    • Architecture
    • Instruction cycle
    • Process Control Block
    Basic OSs
    • Batch
    • Multi-programmed batch
    • Timesharing
  • Computer System Structures
  • Operating System Structures

  • 3.Processes

    • Definition
    • Process States
    • Process structure
    • PCB and components
    • Operations on Processes
    • Threads

    4. CPU Scheduling

    • I/O burst cycle
    • Context Switching
    • Scheduling
      • Long Term
      • Short Term
    • Scheduling Criteria
    • Algorithms
    • First Come First Serve
    • Shortest Job First
    • Priority Scheduling
    • Round Robin

    5.  Process Synchronization

    • Critical Section Problem
      • Mutual Exclusion
      • Races
    • Two Process Solutions
      • Algorithm 1
      • Algorithm 2
      • Algorithm 3
      • Bakery Algorithm
    • Synchronization Hardware
      • Test and Set
      • Swap
    • Semaphores
    • Deadlocks and Starvation
    • Classic Synchronization Problems
      • Readers/Writers
      • Dining Philosophers

    6. Deadlocks

    • System Model
    • Necessary Conditions for a deadlock
      • Mutual Exclusion
      • Hold and Wait
      • No Preemption
      • Circular wait
    • Resource Allocation Graphs
    • Handling Deadlocks
      • Prevention
      • Avoidance
      • Bankers Algorithm

    7. Memory Management

    • Address Binding
      • Compile time
      • Load time
      • Execution time
    • Logical versus Physical Address Space
    • Swapping
      • Contiguous Allocation
      • Single Partition
      • Multiple Partition
      • First Fit
      • Best Fit
      • Worst Fit
      • Internal and External Fragmentation
    • Paging and Virtual Memory
      • Basics
      • Demand Paging
      • Page Replacement
      • Page Replacement Algorithms
      • FIFO
      • Belady’s anomaly
      • Optimal
      • LRU
      • MFU
    • Thrashing

    8. Storage

    • Files
      • Attributes
      • Operations
      • File types
      • Structure
      • Access methods
    • Directory Structure
    • Protection

    9.  File System Implementation

    • Allocation methods
    • Free Space Management

    10. Secondary Storage Structure

    • Disks
      • Structure
      • Scheduling
      • FCFS
      • SSTF/SCAN